HUMANE Spring Seminar - 28 & 29 mars 2019 - AMSTERDAM
le jeudi 28 mars 2019Farewell HR, hello people !
From human resource management to talent management
in 21st century universities

How is your human resources division meeting the challenge to reinvent itself as your institution seeks greater alignment with an ever more competitive operating environment?
Individual institution’s responses to this challenge are context specific, but the adoption of talent management principles has been at the core of many of these new approaches to HR.
What can we learn from recent research into the relationship between talent management and an organisation’s business strategy?
And what has been the experience of other knowledge intensive industry sectors who have travelled this road before universities?
Our seminar will focus on these issues as well as case studies of Organisation Development, new models of Performance Development and the relationship between a talent management philosophy, employee engagement and achieving cultural change.
With contributions from expert speakers as well as representatives of HUMANE member institutions, the seminar will also feature practical workshops enabling participants to access take-away lessons to be implemented in their home institutions. HR Directors, Organisation Development Directors and other senior HR and OD professionals, as well as HUMANE members will all benefit from attending this seminar. Click here for the programme.
Click here for more information and register now to secure your place at what promises to be a thought provoking and interactive seminar.
The seminar will be held from midday Thursday 28 to midday Friday 29 March, allowing participants to travel home for the weekend, or stay over for the weekend in Amsterdam.